Historic School Index
Huthwaite Education
Blackwell Road School
Common Road School
New Street Schools
Huthwaite Road Snrs
Barker St Secondary
Barker St John Davies
Woodland View
Class Years Gallery

A Hucknall History

Historic Schools

National / Church / Common Road / All Saints

Necessity behind building this second National Church School would find 1891 opening initially accommodated separation of 300 boy pupils. They were still taught by the same Mr Boardman being headmaster from the first Blackwell Road church school. That continued classing girls and mixed infants until first noticing a switching of classrooms from year 1912. Miss Mary Cook is newly appointed mistress of this Common Road School, which would thereafter cater for mixed infants.

This National C-of-E school appears to have been financed by public subscription. Like the one previous, this also involved parish interests adding even closer ties with a newly built church almost directly facing. So before handing over all state education to Nottinghamshire County authorities, these classrooms adopted that church addressing for All Saints Church of England School.


Education Director Mr Peter Housden congratulates Mrs Barbara Davies on her December 1991 retirement after 28 years being headteacher of the Huthwaite Church of England Infant School. Regular assisted funding probably helped towards keeping this Common Road School. But this sets a record for not just surviving mass county closures. Beyond presenting the oldest standing Huthwaite schoolhouse, its even more historically significant in uniquely continuing to teach youngest pupils.

2002 ImprovementsIn order to keep up with modern demands the building has obviously seen major improvements. Easily sighted in 2002 was fitment of new windows. They'd tastefully preserved a comparable historic frontage to extend record service currently counting 134 years. 07101101FB031

Huthwaite All Saint's C-of-E (Aided) Infants

The building of a third Huthwaite school had taken additional primary and junior scholars since 1902 through incremental raising of school leaving age. Common Road schoolhouse was in closer walking range for many youngsters. But now safe delivery and collection of children often affords personal transport, holding closest ties with a parish church may still sway some parental choice.


Modern nursery can invite younger pre-school developments, while assisting working and or single parents. Main role maintained at Common Road was offering introductory primary schooling for infants aged between 5 and 7 years. Religious backgrounds may seem an alternative form of teaching today, before joining main stream classes. Pupils used to be next filtered into past New Street John Davis Schools. They were replaced by a larger, modern Barker Street school adopting John Davis name. Sited highest upon northern village extremity significantly increased distance for the newest built Woodland View School finishing Huthwaite teaching.

21 May 12     by Gary Elliott       Updated 29 Oct 18