On behalf of the Spitfire Fund, Mr. P. Longden gave a sack of potatoes for competition at the New Hucknall Colliery Institute. In the organising valuable assistance was rendered by Messrs. W. Reeve (steward) and B. Wood, and the prize was won by Mr. George Deakin of Common Road, who gave it to the Mansfield Hospital. As a result of the effort the Spitfire Fund has benefited by five guineas...
The Rev. W.L. Boulton officiated at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Beresford, of Sawn Terrace, Huthwaite. She was 74 years of age, and was born in Lincolnshire. Subsequently she lived at Shirland, and had resided in Huthwaite for 37 years. She had been ill about three months, and passed away at the home of her daughter at Long Easton. Her husband died about 5.5 years ago, and a family of ten is left. The mourners were Mrs. Osborne (Long Eaton, Mr. Clarence Beresford (Huthwaite), Mr. and Mrs. F. Beresford (Nottingham), Mr. Lucy Machin (Sutton), Mr. W. W. Beresford (Sutton), Mrs. Webb (Mansfield Woodhouse), Private Jim and Mrs. J. Beresford, Mr. W. Beresford (Nottingham), Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Beresford (Huthwaite) and Mr. Rufus Beresford (Sutton), sons and daughters; Mrs. Pollard (Coventry), sister; Mr. and Mrs. Brewster (Daybrook), niece; Grandchildren Florence Maria, Wilfred, Albert, Mary and Irene; Mr. Roper (Stonebroom) and Mr. and Mrs. Beardsall (friends).
The Rev. W.L. Boulton officiated at the marriage at the Huthwaite Parish Church, of Mr. Henry Lockesly Clay, of 35, Woodland Avenue, Huthwaite, and Miss Florence Annie Bowmer, of 10, Sherwood Street, Huthwaite.
The bride was given away by her father,... The two junior bridesmaids were Miss Audrey Bowmer and Miss Beryl Clay (sisters of the bride and bridegroom, respectively... Mr. L. Bowmer acted as best man.
Many presents were received including a carpet from the brides workmates at the C.W.S. Hosiery Works, Huthwaite, and a cheque from the bridegroom's workmates on the L.N.E.R.
On Saturday, Lieut. S. Gustard, the famous B.B.C. organist, gave a recital at the Huthwaite Sherwood Street Methodist Church. The attendance was the largest in the series of organ recitals held at the Church, and the ushers had great difficulty in accommodating the visitors, every seat in the building being filled. The event was organised in aid of the Church funds by Miss H. Hawley, and, in addition to the admission money, over £7 was collected during the proceedings.
Cordial Welcome.The chairman was Mr. Sam Smith (Sutton), conductor of Welbeck Colliery Band, who said they felt very proud to have Lieut. Gustard with them that day, and on behalf of the leaders and congregation of the Church, he would like to extend to him a very cordial welcome on his first visit to Huthwaite, and to wish him good health and the very best of luck in the future. Organs began to be used in churches in the 7th century, from which time they became the most prominent musical feature of church services. The early organs were very naturally crude instruments in comparison with the present church and concert organs, and while at that Church they did not have the biggest and latest type of organ. it was a grand-toned organ for the size of the Church and its needs.
On behalf of the Comforts Fund, a whist drive was held in the Social Service Centre on Wednesday afternoon. The were 10 tables, and the M.C. was Mr. A. Evans...
On Sunday, harvest thanksgiving services were held in the Sutton Road Methodist Church, the preacher being the newly-appointed minister, the Rev. J. Standfast, B.A. The gifts of produce were well up to the average. The organist for the services was Mr. A. Garbett,... the bass soloist was Mr. H. Weston, while the soprano solo part was sung by Mrs. R. Dickens...
Sympathy is extended to the family bereaved by the death of Mrs. Edith Hannah Deakin, of 80, Little Lane, Huthwaite. She was 65 years of age, and had been in failing health for some years,... The Late Mrs. Deakin was a native of Grassmoor, and came from that place to Huthwaite 34 years ago. She leaves a husband Mr. Fred Deakin, nine sons and three daughters.
The funeral took place on Friday, the Rev. W.L. Boulton conducting the service in the Cemetery Chapel. The mourners were:- Husband and Son, Harry; Daughters, Ivy, Edith and Eleanor; Son Arthur and Miss Joan Hancock; Leslie and Mary (Sutton). Stanley and Mary (Sutton), Victor and Annie (Long Eaton). Joe and Norah (Stanton Hill), sons and daughters-in-law. Sons Ernest (Kent), Harold (Belfast), and Grayson (London), were unable to attend...
Writing in the Parish Magazine the Rev. W.L. Boulton says: "I have to thank Miss A. Pritchett for the gift of a beautiful new frontal for the side alter. Miss Pritchett has selected, purchased and worked the materials, which show exact measurement, a choice taste in colour, shades and fine needlework."
The New Hucknall Colliery Institute has again helped to swell the local Spitfire Fund. During the week-end, Mr. A. Denby gave a bund of 12 onions, weighing 9lbs. for competition. Mr. Thomas Oldham, was the winner, and the sum of £2 6s. has been handed over to the Fund. The Steward and Stewardess (Mr. and Mrs. Reeves) and Mr. Bert Wood have rendered good service, the amount raised in two week-ends being £7 11s.
The annual flag day for the N.S.P.C.C. was held on Saturday, when the very acceptable sum of £9 10s. was collected by the following helpers: Mrs. A. Walters, Mrs. Oxley, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Gaston, Miss Bowler, Mrs. Holland, Miss Adlington, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Coupe, Mrs. R. Dickens, Mrs. Kay, Miss Searson, Miss Goodall, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. M. Betts. Mrs. Gaston was the organiser.
Mr. Grist, of Sutton, spoke on the subject of "Christianity and Chaos" at the Sherwood Street Methodist Church Christian Endeavour on Monday. He said that Christians had a choice to make between good and evil. At present they were surrounded by evil powers. What could they, as Christians do to counteract their influence? It was not sufficient to just hope for the best. If Christianity was failing let them ask why Christians were failing to present their Saviour to those who needed Him, and what inspiration did they get from their services? They were preaching too much about Jesus and too little of Him...
Organised by Mrs. Bowmer, the annual effort of the Sherwood Street Methodist Church Women's Own was held on Sunday...
The funeral took place on Tuesday of Mrs. Mary Ellen Robinson, age 54 years, wife of Mr. R. Robinson, of Siddalls Farm, Huthwaite, who passed away the previous Friday. A service was held at St. Mary's Church, Sutton, conducted by the Rev. J.R. Shearman, and the mourners present were:- Husband, Jean and Jack, daughter and son; Mr. Bean, father; Mr. Tom Bean, brother; Mrs. Copestake, sister; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashten, brother-in-law; sisters, Mrs. F. Bean and Mrs. A. Bean....
Written 04 Feb 12 Revised 04 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott