Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - November 15th 1940


A YEAR of excellent progress was reported at the annual meeting of the Huthwaite Area Committee of the Sutton Services Comforts Fund, held in the New Fall Street Methodist Schoolroom, Huthwaite, on Monday evening. Councillor E.H. Lowe (Chairman of the Huthwaite Area Committee) presided and was supported by Messrs. L. Heath (Hon. Secretary), H.E. Wharmby (Hon. Treasurer) and W.H. Taylor (General Secretary, Sutton Comforts Fund).

The Chairman expressed delight at seeing so many present, and said such an interest in the work of the Comforts Fund spoke well for the future. Welcoming the General Secretary to the meeting, Mr. Lowe said they were pleased to know that he was filling the office with distinction.

Splendid Support.

The annual report presented by the Hon. Secretary gave particulars of the inauguration of the Huthwaite Committee, and mentioned that over 800 parcels had been dispatched from the area during the year. It was recorded the Committee's gratitude for the splendid support accorded to them during the past 12 months by the firms of Messrs. H.C. Groom and Co., Messrs. Betts and Broughton Ltd., New Hucknall Colliery Co., Ltd., and C.W.S. Works, together with the generous other organisations at the Churches, the Social Service Centre, public-houses and individual subscribers. It particularly thanked the members of the W.V.S. for their generous help in the provision of woollen articles, and the many kind socks, etc. One and all had contributed to the success so far achieved, but the Committee felt that they could do even better.

Christmas Parcels.

After dealing with the turning down of the proposed amalgamation with the County Services Fund, and appealing to contributors to make sure which fund they were supporting when approached, the report said the Committee were most anxious that everyone from Huthwaite now serving in the Forces should receive equal benefit from the funds. Although there were over 230 names on the register, there were still a few names which had not been handed in since the new list was compiled last July. These should received in time for the next despatch of parcels at Christmas. There was an impression abroad that men just called up were not entitled to benefit, and that changes of address should not be given in every time they are received by the relatives. The Committee would be glad of full particulars of every serving man immediately he had been posted to a unit, and it was essential for changes of address to be handed in on every occasion.

Loyal Co-operation.

In conclusion the Secretary thanked all Committee members for their untiring services and loyal co-operation, especially Councillor E. H. Lowe (Chairman), Mr. Wharmby (Treasurer) and Mrs. Evans (Wool Organiser), who have shared with him much of the work of the organisation. With the happy relationship existing on the Committee, and the practical support of the townspeople of Huthwaite, he felt sure they could face the future with confidence, continue the work for the welfare and pleasure of the fighting forces, and make the Comforts Fund the success it deserved to be.

The Hon. Treasurer's report showed a total income for the year of £167 17s. 9d., and Mr. Wharmby appealed for increased support. The reports were unanimously approved.

Mr. W.H. Taylor paid high tribute to the work of the Huthwaite Area Secretary (Mr. L. Heath) and representatives on the Central Committee, and asked everyone to rally round the officials and support them in their efforts.

Several letters of acknowledgement from those on active service were read, and all expressed gratitude and appreciation, and wish the Comforts Fun every success.

Officers Elected.

The following officers were re-elected:- Chairman, Councillor E.H. Lowe, Vice-Chairman, Mr. J.A. Tomlinson; Hon. Secretary, Mr. L. Heath; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H.E. Wharmby; Committee, Mrs. Bonsall and Mr. R.B. Bond (Social Service Centre), Miss N. Robotham, Miss S. Wright and Mr. A.C. Smith (C.W.S. Works), Mrs L. Evans (Nursing Association), Mrs. H. Swain and Mr. L. Bailey (Parish Church), Messrs. W.E. Slack and L. Draycott (New Hucknall Colliery), Mr. S. Marshall (New Fall Street Church), Mr. D. Weston (Sutton Road Methodist Church), Mr. F. Weston (Small Shopkeepers' Association). Additions were also made to the Committee by the appointment of Messrs. I. Dove, I. Parton (British Legion), H. Hartley (Betts and Broughton, Ltd.) and P. Longden, and it was decided that Messrs. H.C. Groom and Co. be invited to elect a representative.

Thanks accorded, on the propositions of Mr. P. Longden, to the Chairman, Mr. W.H. Taylor, and the Trustees of the New Fall Street Church for loan of the Schoolroom, brought a very successful meeting to a close.


There was no outdoor demonstration in honour of Remembrance Day except the selling of poppies during the week-end. At morning service in the Parish Church, however, reference was made to the occasion, the service being conducted by the Rev. W.L. Boulton, with Mrs. B. Heighton as organist. The Roll of Honour was read, and "God Save the King" was sung as the concluding hymn. At the Cenotaph bunches of flowers were deposited quietly by friends of the fallen, and a wreath of laurel and poppies was the offering of the Chairman (Councillor E. Lowe) and members of the British Legion.

Another of the popular outings to places of entertainment in Nottingham, which are now a special feature of the social activities arranged for the C.W.S. Works employees, took place on Saturday, when a party of 64 visited the matinee performance at the Theatre Royal, to see the play, "The Devil's Disciple," by George Bernard Shaw. The party, which included Mr. J.A. Tomlinson (works manager), Mrs. Tomlinson and Mr. G. Davis (under-manager), thoroughly enjoyed the show. All the arrangements, including transport and bookings at the theatre, were made through the kindness of the works management, by Mr. L. Heath (Sports Association secretary).

On Sunday afternoon a special event was held at the New Fall Street Methodist church. A service of song was given by the ladies choir of the Sutton Chatsworth Street Congregational Church. Mr. E. Butler (Newton) was the chairman, and there was a very satisfactory attendance. The service of song was entitle "Guided Home." and the singers were conducted by Mrs. Mosley. The readings were given by Miss Moakes, and the accompaniments were played by Mrs. Coppin. A very good rendering was given and was highly appreciated, the visitors being thanked on the motion of the Chairman. At the evening service Mr. Butler was the preacher, and the proceeds of the day were devoted to the Church funds.

"Prayer" was the subject at the Sherwood Street C.E. meeting on Monday, when the speaker was Mr. A. Coupe, of Skegby. He said that man, even the early savages, with their hideous idois (representing a hidden power) had a capacity for worship. ..

Local Men Who Gave Their Lives


THE memory of the men of Sutton and surrounding districts who made the supreme sacrifice during the 1914-1918 conflict was fittingly honoured throughout the whole of the area on Sunday and Monday, the anniversary of Armistice Day. Below are the names of those from this area who went forth to war never to return.





Stanton Hill






Sympathy is felt for Mrs. J. Ellis, of 90, Main Street, Huthwaite, in the loss of her son Alfred at the age of 21. He was a Huthwaite native, and was employed for five years by Messrs. Abbot and Co. He had been ill for eleven months, the last four of which he had spent in Mansfield Hospital, where he passed away. His father died some five-years ago.
A. Ellis   The funeral took place on Thursday, the Rev. W.L. Boulton conducting the last rites in the New Fall Street Methodist Church.
The mourners were :- Mrs. Hazelwood (Tibshelf), sister; Mr. J. Stopps (Teversal), half-brother (Mrs. Stopps was unable to attend owing to illness in her family); Mr. and Mrs. A. Caunt (Long Eaton), Mr. and Mrs. W. Cox (B Winning), brothers-in-law and sisters; Mr. and Mrs. V. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis (Sutton), brothers and sisters-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson (Teversal), brother-in-law and sister.
... Wreaths were sent by (family and friends); E. Abbott and Co.; Workpeople's Ladies' Death and Disease Club.


In the New Fall Street Methodist Church Schoolroom, kindly lent by the Trustees, an entertainment was given on Wednesday night in aid of the Mansfield and District Moral Welfare Society. The chief items were two plays ... The 18th century atmosphere was maintained by means of costumes of that period...

Written 05 Feb 12 Revised 06 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott